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Debut Album Land of the Lotus Eaters is out now
Now available on high-fidelity audio CD!!
Comes with 10-page booklet featuring lyrics and original artwork

click below to stream on any platform

Want LOTLE on vinyl?
We're working on getting
that for you, stay tuned!

About Us
Low Tide Levee is based about half a mile from the original bay shoreline of Berkeley, California. The band is composed of Amy Valentine Brookes (drums, vocals, keyboard, percussion) and Sasha Ames (bass, guitar), Past members contributing to our debut album are Chris Amato (guitar, engineering and production) and Harold Spiva (guitar).
It all started with a song that came to Amy in the shower as she realized that she had been absorbing other people's shit, and needed a way to be free of these burdens. Amy had composed since she was a child, mainly for piano and keyboard, but a new songwriting bug took hold: that shower never really stopped, as a generous flow of songs continued to pour forth. Amy, Sasha, and Chris played with these new ideas, and jam sessions turned into a band. Later on, Harold replaced Chris on guitar, and we continued to develop into our sound.
In Low Tide Levee, we like to plumb the depths, and also have a lot of fun doing it. We like to see what's left after the surface of water has rolled out and exposed what was previously unknown. Our music has depth, humor, and takes the listeners on a trip deeper inside themselves - and at the same time, to new worlds of discovery. Our foundation is blues based and psychedelic classic rock, with a heavy dose of funk, but our path takes twists and turns - so you never know exactly what you're gonna get!
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